Monday, November 9, 2009

32 days...

The final Project has been a difficult one to swallow. After early ideas of cigarette recepticals, we moved in and out of focus of the final heliotropic smart surface. Our team has sat down for hours upon hours discussing the implementation of our final design and the who what why where how- the instructors have had their input and thrown more than a few ideas aside, small cellular mock-ups have been made and we are well on our way. This past friday the meeting with the instructors has led me to question the actual endgame of this project. As always there is a delicate balance between the truly thought-out and conceptual integrity of our surface and the formal and detailed fabrication of the surface. Which should have priority because with 32 days left, I beleive that one might be left behind? What do I prefer-the beautiful and operational surface with shakey logic or the well-intentioned nearly-operational surface.
I think with three weeks almost down the drain, we now need to get into fabrication mode, our why might strengthen as we go on. Our surface is an example of biomimicry, in which we use a protective motion that resembles the manner in which the mimosa plant moves to avoid harm. All of the reserve held by the group members and lack of interest in this particular project seems to go away whenever something materializes into an object. This is why we need to focus on making this week rather than talking.

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