Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Arduino Groups

Friday we were split into new groups with the goal of creating a mechanism whose input is light and whose output is a motorized reaction. We were off to a quick start because we were told we only had about an hour. Our group quickly organized an idea that dealt with placing 3 LDR sensors on separated planes and using a servo to follow a flashlight which would be used to activate the LDRs. The Idea seemed simple enough and we divided jobs and got to work without the goal of perfection-rather just to get something working-in response to the multitude of failures last week.
We went about the coding by trying to patch together the two codes from earlier in the day and we had a difficult time getting this to work. A tip of where a single axis code was online came a little later and we tried to utilize this and add another axis. This took nearly the entire time and in the end, only one axis was working correctly. I noted stirrings from the rest of the group who talked after the project about how no one was on the same page and how the design was new to them-I agreed to an extent and perhaps those with the driving force behind the design should have illustrated it a bit better but really thought that this issue would have been addressed with a tad more time for the completion of the project.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Arduino #1

The first color is blue, as I move my hand away the blinks become less rapid. When I reach a certain threshold (around 20 in), the color then turns to red and blinks even less rapidly. After the red (when my hand is around 5o inches away) the green light comes on a stays solid. I move my hand back quickly and the next reading lights up the blue again. The number of blinks are proportional to the distance away from my hand, which is also proportional to the number of readings the rangefinder takes. I was pretty happy with the result.

I had an old Rangefinder hanging around and I decided to put it to use with the lamp. I used a pretty simple piece of code that permitted three different lights to turn on with specific time lapses that were designated by the distance from the rangefinder. The Rangefinder definitely is not perfect but I got the results that I was looking for.

A Few Iterations of the my standard lamp...

I was able to get some laser time and made a small 3"x3"x3" lamp out of acrylic which was pretty easy to frost and to stuff with some trace to get the right look going.

I have had a bit of experience with arduino already, but the first couple of tutorials got me reacquainted.